Career coaching

I am to lucky to have had a very colourful and exciting career. I have worked in government for causes I really believed in, and in the private sector ensuring customers were satisfied and milestones were met. I have travelled and worked overseas living in completely different cultures and now I am enjoying working for myself.

However, I know that challenges can arise when it comes to your purpose and career.

These can include:

School leaver – I want clarity and confidence

  • as a student trying decide on what you want for your future and the best course of study or training to take

Student at desk

Career starter – what career or role is best for me?

  • completing study and being confused about what career or role would be best for you
  • having trouble landing a role you really want

Career improver – I want things to improve

  • experiencing difficulty at work and you want to improve things (ie: difficulty with role, colleague, or progressing your career)

Career changer – I want to know my new direction

  • working in a role or area you thought you would enjoy and finding the opposite. Instead, you need to change direction
  • being established in a role or area for some time and circumstances change (ie: restructure, redundancy, location shift). Now you need a new direction

I have faced challenges like these myself and overcome them. But I often wished there was someone sensible to talk to, to guide me through more effectively, with the right knowledge and tools.

I can save you time and money – let me be that person for you! Look at my discounted packages for career coaching.


My career coaching tools

The tools and techniques I use are evidence-based and are proven to deliver real results. Below are just some of the tools we can use for you in your sessions:

  • Evidence-based and effective personality tests including Myers–Briggs, Enneagram Personality Test and CliftonStrengths Assessment – understand who you are as a person and what careers suit you best
  • SMART goals framework – clarify your career goals and achieve them with greater ease
  • Breakthrough and Abundance Coaching techniques – achieve your career goals faster
  • Creative visualisation – the art of using mental imagery and affirmation to produce positive changes in your life.